
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Thank you all students of 2008!

After my last post, I never thought I'll ever visit this website to do an update. But I been feeling a wee bit strange and I felt that I need to do one final post. Perhaps there would be more, but for now this is the latest update.

First of all, I'll like to say a big thank you to everyone in the 2008 batch (yes... inclusive of non-chem students or sub science students) cos these past 3 years have been great and I loved every moment of it no matter how fun or tough life had been for all of us...

The lovable 2B 06, the playful 2D 06, the noisy 2E 06 and the crazy 2G 06. It just seems like yesterday that I entered all these classes with mixed feeling - fear, anger, happiness... every possible emotions... Time really flies...

A special group would be the NA-Express students who had shocking Maths help from me... :)

Not against 2A, 2C, 2F of 2006... But they also let me mingle with them when everyone was reshuffled in Sec 3s... Due to the strange SPA and changing of teachers, I floated left right up down to 3B 07, 3C 07 and of course occasionally mingled with 3D and 3e 07. You guys are great... never shutting me out cos you have a different Chemistry teacher.

Sometimes, I did a few simple replacement lessons, and entered some of Mr Lim YT's classes when he wasn't around, tried to help whoever needed help outside of the staff room no matter what class they are in, helped in SPA for most classes that I feel that I know almost everyone from this batch(inclusive of some sec 5s)...of course 4B 08 would be the most special cos I spent more time with them than other classes...

Special thanks to the 10+ students from 4D 08 who tried to cheer me up when you din know why I was upset - The truth was there was a sudden reshuffle in classes and it is kinda hard to take.

4B 08 grades is good (though some students felt they did below expectations) and I feel that it was a great decision from the school to change teachers. Cos knowing myself, I would have never pushed so hard and most prob gave them more time to study other subjects instead of Chem...

To the Chem students, please don't feel that you let anyone down... even if you got B3 or A2... strange things happen in exams... you all did your best... some things just can't be helped... You are all fantastic... you all worked hard together to achieve the impossible....the best Chem results ever in KSS's history.

100% passes, almost 50% distinction...need I say more? Your fears during sec 4s were not without reason... 3 A1s for past 2 years, 20% distinction all the time... never below MSG of 3 ever... If I was a student... why would I have any faith in the teachers?

But you did as you were told, ignoring all trends of the past to create history... I sense genuine happiness when I heard the applause when you all saw 100% passes and 50% distinction for Chem being flashed on power point yesterday.. cos you all were so shocked...You guys are fantastic... you left a legacy behind...

You may not feel great with your individual results... but did you know that your combine efforts inspired the current Sec 4s? You gave them hope and they are determined to do not only as well as you did, but even better. I've been hearing a lot of positive feedback around... :)

Even my dear, but weak 4NA promised that if they somehow come back to Sec 5s after their N level, they would ensure that their sub Chem/Physics would be 100% pass and DISTINCTION. Sure hard work is needed for it to really happen, but to give them the confidence to even say that is just surprising. They would never say that in the past.. so thank you all for the hope and dreams you've given to the later batches...

It is always easy to criticise like why only A2 or B4 ... but as a former O level candidate, the hard work put in just to earn such grades could never be understood unless you have done it yourself. So please don't be too hard on yourself no matter what your L1 R5 or R4 may be.

These 3 years have really been great and I'll seriously miss all of you. Things may happen, some of you might go overseas, some of you go to poly or JCs...etc... But memories of whatever happened the past 3 years stay... and no matter how fuzzy the exact details is, would leave pleasant memories... or at least to me.. I'm proud to have known all of you.

It was never just about me teaching you all, but you guys taught me a lot also with all the simple interactions and hopefully, I'll try to become a better person..

I'll end off with a favourite phrase that my grandma left with me.

"Results are not everything, just do the best you can and as long as you know it, that is all that matters. There are successful businessmen who don't even have a proper certificate, so anything is possible as long as you work hard. Not every path have to be the same. Don't take every failure so hard."

I share this cos I was never an outstanding student like my sister (3 top student awards in a row Sec 3-5) or my 2 talented cousins (RI, RJC - need I say more?). But I was comforted whenever I think of this statement. And I hope this helps too.

Take Care! And lets all start 2009 afresh! You and I all have a long road with many possibilities ahead of us. Let's move on and make 2009, 2010, 2011...etc great!

For ending, let me be dellusional for once. I refuse to say bye.

So... HI! :D

As usual... I'm not making much sense....hehehe... :p